Single Parent Families Today

Single Parent Families Today

Single Parent Families

Today being the head of a single parent family is more common than the so called traditional family. The traditional family was defined as a mother, father and children. Today we see all sorts of ‘families’ including many single parent families. And even within the category of single parent family we see a range of mothers, fathers and even extended family members raising children as a single parent. Today none of this is unusual.

Single Parent Life

Life in a single parent household today is quite common, but it can be very stressful for the parent and the children. It can be hard not having a partner to share the responsibilities of paying the bills, taking care of the children, and doing the chores. You have all of the parental responsibility in additional to working full time. And it’s no secret that many single parent families have less financial resources than two parent households, which can make single parent family life more stressful.

In addition to all of the above, single parent families can sometimes experience added stressors that two parent families typically don’t experience.

Unique Situations that Cause Stress in Single Parent Families

  • Visitation and custody problems can lead to fractured emotional bonds and expensive legal bills.
  • Potential for conflict with non-custodial parent over different parenting styles.
  • Quality time with children can be hard to come by.
  • Disruptions of extended family relationships can feel alienating.
  • Potential problems when the parent starts to pursue new relationships

Single Parent Family Success

Single parent families can be successful. The best way to succeed at single parenting is to try to get along with your children’s other parent if possible. Also reach out to other single parents. Build up your support team. There are groups that you can join in your communities and churches. Strengthen the bonds with your extended family members as well. Don’t try to do it alone. Accept help and assistance from others. And give back where you can.

Tell us about your single parent success stories.

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