Are you a Single Parent Swimming Against the Current?

Are you a Single Parent Swimming Against the Current?

When dealing with your child’s ‘other’ parent, threre is more than one single parent scenario. Some single parents have no contact with the ‘other’ parent and wonder why they don’t want to be a part of their child’s life. While other single parents have disruptive, controlling, abusive ‘other’ parents that they are trying to protect their child from. And all the scenarios in between.

But there is one group of single parents who make life harder than it has to be for everyone involved; especially their children. If your child’s other parent is involved in your child’s life and you two are still bickering, maybe the following article will help you gain some perspective on how little you’re gaining, and how much you are losing, by not putting your past behind you and co-parenting your child.

Parent With The Current

The phrase “single parent” is new for the twenty-first century. Men and women are designed to repopulate and raise their children together, not single-handed. More than offering our X and Y-chromosomes, men and women both bring valuable substance to the table of parenting. Both have their strengths and weaknesses that help develop a child to their full potential. To offer this to our children is priceless.

While this still exists in the twenty-first century, some of us aren’t that lucky. We are called “single parents”. Though unless our husband has died or has totally abandoned the children, we aren’t parenting alone. We just are no longer a two parent, one house family; we are a two-parent two-house family. Most of the arguments in the house are built around “Mom says I can do this” and “Dad says I can do that.” Life is hard for you and confusing to your children. When parenting “single,” we are not alone, but it does seem that we are most of the time because parenting this way is like swimming against a current. It takes all your strength and you can’t do it for long without consequences to both parents and children.

The “current” is the relationship you now have with your ex-spouse. That reflects on your parenting and your relationship with your children, which in turn affects their relationships with others.

We know one house two parents parenting has the best out come for children. We know single parenting does not. A new parenting phrase and way of life has to be created to combine the two.

-One house two parents’ -Two parents working together in the same house to raise children. The two parents stand united.
-Single parenting – Two parents not working together in two houses. Taking every opportunity to negate each other. Two sets of rules for the children because the parents are not united in child rearing.

There is another option.

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