The Single Parent Student

The Single Parent Student

If you are a single parent and you are interested in becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse, the following article may be helpful to you.

The Single Parent Student

Single parenting while attending a LVN program can be tough. But it can be done. I know a lot of people are saying to themselves, “no way, not with my kids. I’m too tired now without going to the program”. Well, if you want it bad enough you’ll go after it. Your children will live through it and may come out better for it. There are ways to go about getting the help you need.

First, check with family and friends. They want you to succeed and are usually willing to help where and when they can. You can also ask friends; start babysitting for each other,payable in time you can use later the same week. Ask the church you attend for a good sitter who needs to make some money. You supply the food and pay a couple of bucks an hour. Be sure to interview the people first. You should know them fairly well before just dropping off you kids. Set this all up before the program starts. This way no last minute things fall though the cracks. Like when the children are sick and no day care will take them.

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