Single Parents Struggling with Finances – There is Help

Single Parents Struggling with Finances – There is Help

Help for Single Parents Struggling to Make Ends Meet

There is help for single parents struggling to make ends meet.

There was an old woman

who lived in a shoe,

She had so many children

she didn’t know what to do;

She gave them some broth

without any bread;

She whipped them all soundly

and put them to bed.

Not exactly sound parenting. But who could blame her? All those kids running around – and she obviously had little money. This had to be why they got broth without bread. Sounds like they were all a little on the bratty side, since she felt the need to just give up and put them to bed. And there’s no mention of a father, so apparently, the poor woman had all these kids to raise on her own.

How does a single parent make ends meet? With all the stress that is sure to come when raising kids on your own, the added stress of a mismanaged budget isn’t exactly welcome. Creating a budget is the first step to successful money management, even with a gaggle of kiddos.

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